Freyr Viefrees

the Life element symbol the Invention element symbol


Home Dimension Achtlūn
Species Werewolf (direwolf lycanthrope, elven descent)
Age 35 years old.
Elements Life, Invention
Name Pronunciation 'FRAY-ur VY-uh-freez'
Gender Cis man
Pronouns He/him


Freyr was not born into lycanthropy, but rather, was cursed with it while he was still so young he couldn't even recall it happening. He grew up in a pack of lycanthropes that lived on the fringes of the Alaricia territory, in the deciduous woodlands of Achtlūn.

His pack was one that did not stoop to the depraved habit of hunting elves and other sapient people. Instead, his pack relied on wildlife and their own livestock. That was, until a new leader asserted power in the pack, and, after a harsh winter, asserted that he believed it was time they stopped pretending they were any more "pure" than any other lycanthrope; he wanted them to begin hunting the elves living in their territory, both to assert their control and to ease the burden hunting put on their pack.

Freyr and some others in the pack disagreed. But far more didn't, and Freyr and his small splinter group were driven out, forced to try to carve their own survival out of the formidable Alaricia territory. It wasn't long before the vampires became aware of the lycanthropes hunting in their grounds, especially when, in a moment of weakness and starvation, one of the group did kill several elven children to sate her hunger.

While the majority of the splinter pack were killed by the Alaricia, Freyr was taken in to be made an example of. He was collared with silver, bound in chains, and paraded about as Axel II's "pet," in hopes of sending a terrifying message to any other lycanthropes that thought trying to hunt in his territory was a good idea.

Eventually, Freyr began to teach himself felsemancy in private, in hopes of one day escaping his vampiric overlords. But ten years later, he was still trapped with them, and it wasn't until Dr. Rin was called in to heal Axel II that Freyr finally got his chance to escape. Taking pity on Freyr, Dr. Rin slipped Freyr an idol made of gold, which he was able to use with his felsemancy to escape the vampires at long last, weaponizing their weakness to the sunlight stored in Achtlūn's gold.

However, having spent a decade with the Alaricia and certainly having no pack to return home to, Freyr quickly realized he had nowhere to go. He found Dr. Rin's laboratory, and begged her to let him stay. Begrudgingly at first, Dr. Rin did just that, and eventually, she warmed up to him... perhaps more than just.

(Note: The picture of Freyr in his non-lycanthrope form is outdated and pictures him as a human. However, his physique is very much still the same - he just has darker skin and pointed ears as an elf!)


Pheromancy. As with all of Achtlūn’s lycanthropes, Freyr is capable of manipulating pheromones for communicative purposes with other lycanthropes.

Felsemancy. Self-taught in the magic of bringing out qualities of Achtlūn’s minerals and metals, he is fairly skilled, even though silver should technically be a weakness of his.

Brute strength. Due to his bulk and size, both in and out of the direwolf form, Freyr is a physical powerhouse. If all else fails, brute strength with or without weapons can win him many direct one-on-one conflicts. This is especially devastating in his wolfen form, as he can use a crushing bite and massive claws to severely wound enemies.


Freyr in his wolfen form. An outdated image of Freyr in his elven form.